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From Application to Process Closure 

By Herald Flores. Talent Acquisition Specialist 

You are probably interested in joining our team and collaborating with us and our partners. Here, we will guide you through the recruitment process, from the moment you decide to apply to your eventual positive or negative response to the process. 

In this article, we will provide you with a guide on the key steps we follow in our recruitment processes. We excel in various areas, such as Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, UI/UX, Product Design. Additionally, we specialize in software development, covering specific roles in web and mobile development. 

Recruitment Steps: 

Opportunity Discovery: In our recruitment strategy, we leverage platforms like LinkedIn, our website, and social networks like Facebook and Instagram to actively disseminate available job opportunities. 

The first step in the process is to identify the vacancy available that matches your profile. 

If you are a web or mobile developer, creative designer, marketing specialist, project manager, or QA Specialist, our doors are open to a variety of talents in technology and digital creativity. 

Application: Once you have identified the position that excites you the most, it’s time to submit your application. Use our online application system to provide your information. Depending on your profile, our forms will request the following information: First and Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Resume, LinkedIn, Portfolio (If applicable), Salary Expectation (in US dollars), and your availability to start (Immediate, one week, 15 days, etc.). Make sure to highlight your key skills and relevant experiences that make you the ideal candidate for the role in the additional questions we add to each position. 

Initial Evaluation: Our team of recruiters will carefully review your application. If your profile matches what we are looking for, you might be invited to an initial interview. Here, we will explore not only your technical skills but also your values, attitudes, and approaches to teamwork. 

Technical Interview: In a second interview involving technical specialists, we will invite you to a deeper interview where the Boombit team and our involved partner will be present. Prepare to discuss past projects, solve practical problems, and demonstrate your technical knowledge. We want to make sure you are equipped to face the specific challenges of your area. 

Depending on the position, some of the technical interviews are usually divided into two interviews, one with the area leader and another with the team you would join. 

Client Interview: We value seamless integration with existing teams. If you pass the previous stages, we may connect you with the end client for an additional interview. This will give you the opportunity to meet who could become your future colleagues and better understand the project dynamics. 

Specific Skills Evaluation: Depending on the role you are applying for, you might undergo specific evaluations. For example, developers might have a coding test, which could be a LiveCoding or a challenge with a delivery deadline, while designers could be challenged with a creative project. These evaluations allow us to assess your ability to tackle specific tasks related to the position. 

Technical Test Submission: Once you submit your technical test, our team proceeds with a thorough evaluation. 

Alignment Determination: Those involved analyze the results and determine which of the candidates who have reached this point best align with the current needs of the team and the project. 

Positive Results: 

Continuation of the Flow: If you are selected, the process moves on to the next steps. 

Negative Results: 

  • Decision Communication: In case of a negative decision, our recruitment team will contact you by email and provide you with feedback from the technical team’s decision in the process. 
  • Inclusion in the Talent Pool: Even if the current decision is not positive, we will request your consent to include you in our Talent Pool. 
  • Search for Future Opportunities: We will continue to look for opportunities that match your skills and profile in the future.

Offer and Onboarding:

Congratulations! If you have made it this far, it means that we have selected you to join our team. You will receive a detailed offer and, once you accept it, the onboarding process will begin. We will provide you with all the necessary information for your integration. 

We encourage you to explore more about our opportunities and culture on our careers page. Here you will find additional details about the available roles, and inspiring stories of our talented team. 

Do not hesitate to visit our careers page for more information and, if you have not done so yet, apply for the opportunity that fits your professional profile! We look forward to meeting the future members of our team and sharing the path to professional success together. 

Thank you for considering us as your next employment destination! We hope to see you soon in our team!


* This text was written by a human and optimized by AI.

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