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The current economic environment implicitly demands that large and medium-sized companies launch new products, services, and functionalities quickly in order to compete actively in a dynamic and highly voracious market, characterized by its immediacy.

This puts a lot of pressure on different corporate departments. The most highly affected department is IT, which is required to develop software with agility, while simultaneously complying with quality standards, where they often deal with a shortage of qualified talent for the job in question.

Based on this specific need, the concept of Staff Augmentation was born. A flexible, effective, and innovative outsourcing strategy that simplifies hiring IT talent worldwide by choosing among qualified candidates.

Based on this, Boombit has developed 5 reasons why the Staff Augmentation system is essential:

1.  Saves time

This point is essential for medium to large companies, who cannot afford to deal with the lack of time or resources to meet their deadlines. Having an additional external team at your disposal to provide support and understand your needs in advance is key to speeding up production times and obtaining optimal results.

2. Deal with your core responsibilities

This allows team leaders, managers, and directors to focus on their responsibilities, without the need to take on and carry on additional responsibilities regarding the performance of other departments. Staff Augmentation comes with a quality work guarantee, pure dedication, and excellence.

3. Maintains control

In the sense that Staff Augmentation Teams quickly integrate with your internal and preexistent processes and report directly to you, allowing for 100% control over your team and the role each talent plays for your team. The size of the workforce can also be increased or decreased depending on the demand of the group or personal preference.

4. Easy hiring

Easily find and hire the specific skill sets needed for each – short or long-term – project. There is no need to worry about talent retention, this is handled by the outsourcing agencies.

5. Risk-free of the financial burden

One of the main benefits of this model is that you have full control over your scaling process. Nowadays, it is more profitable for companies to hire outsourced employees, especially from Latin America, saving costs and attaining competitive and profitable prices, as opposed to hiring internal personnel, whose dismissal or salary maintenance is often a big costly burden. Also, this staffing model does not require investment in infrastructure.

These topics on Staff Augmentation elaborated by Boombit are linked to the company’s own concept of the importance of thoroughly understanding what each of its partners and collaborators need, offering them the right top star candidates, for the performance of each task.

Boombit’s specialty is connecting people and multipurpose resources with thorough knowledge of the brand and business relationships. If you are looking to outsource your talent needs, contact us now!

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